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Arts and Culture
Written by Administrator

When we talk about street art most of us immediately thinks about graffiti and similar artworks. Graffiti is interesting artistic way, there's no doubt about it, but this is not single way of performing street arts. The best example for this are artworks of artist Liliwenn who is creating some of the most interesting street artworks...
Lifestyle -
Arts and Culture
Written by Administrator

Combination of photos from past and from present can be very interesting way to create great artworks. Sergey Larenkov is Russian photographer who managed to create few of such combined photographs. He found some photos of places in Russia and rest of the world from World War II and he took photos of same building again, from same angle. Then, he combined old ones with new ones to get that "ghost effect"...
Lifestyle -
Arts and Culture
Written by Administrator

Andrea Joseph is British artist who has found his own way in the sea of thousands of artists who all try to be unique and different from others. Andrea found that usual format of paintings is too restrictive for her free imagination so he decided to search the area out of the box...