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A school boy from Belarus has become a sensation for making a stunning car for himself. 17 year old Alexander Kozlov created a two-seater elctric car that cost him about $950. With the help of his family , friends and teachers, Alexander started to work on his car for a special project for an uraban Olympics. His car features fibreglass exterior and has got a top speed of 35 kmph. The young inventor believes that with little modification and improvements the stunning car could reach a maximum speed of 100 kmph.
Technology -
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RAFFA Arhictecture has submitted this new bike sharing system for the city of Copenhagen that could increase ridership from 37% up to 50% by 2015.The system features real-time GPS tracking, an online reservation system, and attractive bikes that can be stored anywhere. The bicycles should function as censors and inform the system about certain behaviors, so that the system can react according to the situation. To predict the performance of a system, the entities have to exchange information. An internet-based platform can analyze the different interests and could then manage possible conflicts. The bicycles are equipped with GPS and W-Lan, so they are connected to each order and can inform the system about their position and status.
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An unmanned helicopter, the largest of its kind in China has successfully completed its first flight in Weifang City of east China's Shandong Province. The medium-sized unmanned helicopter, with a maximum takeoff weight of 757 kg, departed from the flight-test center of Weifang Tianxiang Aerospace Industry Co.Ltd on Saturday morning and hovered for ten minutes, performing a few maneuvers before finishing with a stable landing.
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