Technology -
Written by Administrator

Yang Yi is a native of Kaixian in Chongqing Municipality, there is little transformed into a ghost town, submerged under water, downstream of the dam of Three Gorges. He was born there in 1971 and lived there until age 22. “One morning, I don’t remember when, I woke up in a sweat, my heart pounding in alarm. I was left only with a vague memory.”...
Technology -
Written by Administrator

Michael Kutsche is an award-winning Conceptual Artist/ Illustrator and 3d Artist located in Berlin, Germany who has worked for the vfx industry since 1998. His experiences reach from art directing and animating commercials and music videos to character design for feature film projects. He just finished his work as a character designer on Tim Burton’s “Alice in Wonderland”(2010) and is currently working on “John Carter of Mars”(2012), directed by Andrew Stanton.
Lifestyle -
Travel and Places
Written by Administrator

Haw Par Villa, a Chinese mythological theme park located in Singapore, is famous for its “beyond your wildest imagination” statues, sculptures, and exhibits. Most of everything at Haw Par Villa is based on famous Chinese historical personalities, mythology and legends. From a statue of a woman nursing her father-in-law, to a statue of a woman’s head and face attached to the body of a crab, this place has it all. So, if you somehow find yourself tripping on mushrooms in Singapore, Haw Par Villa is the place to visit...
Lifestyle -
Arts and Culture
Written by Administrator

The amazing oil paintings in these photos are the work of Paul Robert and they really show off his incredible artistic talent. Most are so lifelike they appear to be photographs. His attention to detail makes his paintings photorealistic. Check out 22 more such incredible oil paintings after the jump...
Lifestyle -
Travel and Places
Written by Administrator

Sure, you could visit Asia for the rich history or the exotic food, but if you really want to experience Asian culture first hand you have to check out some festivals. Every year there are amazingly strange and fun festivals all throughout Asia that you have to see to believe. From the Monkey Buffet in Bangkok to the Festival of the Steel Phallus in Kawasaki, here are 10 of the most bizarre festivals of Asia...
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