
Indian Handicrafts - The Historical Journey
Lifestyle - Arts and Culture
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Indian-HandicraftsFirst archaeologically proved traces of Indian handicrafts belong to the Indus Valley civilization way back in 3000 B.C. During this time Indian craftsmen were doing excellent job in pottery making, bead making, terracotta, jewelry and weaving. The most significant aspect is the technical advancement in the handicrafts field at this time. The archaeologists have excavated many sites like Harappa, Mohenjodaro, Lothal, Chanhudaro, Kotdigy, Dholaveera etc. and they have found numerous artifacts that manifest the skill of the craftsmen at that time.
In Vedic age (1500 B.C. to 700 B.C.) too a lot of advancement in handicrafts had taken place. There is reference of pottery making, weaving wood crafting etc in the Vedas. Rig Veda especially mentions about pottery made from clay, wood and metal. Weaving and weavers also find the reference in these holy texts. In the later Vedic period the principal development was the discovery of iron. This led to the manufacture of iron weapons on mass scale. Craftsmen got a huge exposure and the crafts traditions started to be entrenched in the social structure.
During Maurya period Indian handicrafts reached to perfection in certain art forms especially in stone crafts. After the great transformation of Ashoka from a hardcore imperialist to Buddhist reformist, numerous activities indulging the craftsmen began. It is said that not less than 84000 stupas were build during the reign of Ashoka. Most prominent stupas whose remains are still available are located at Sanchi, Bharhut, Vaishali, Amaravati and Mathura. Similarly the iron pillars of Delhi and Vaishali are the marvelous examples of metallurgy...

Why and How to Easily Decorate for Christmas Your Bathroom
Technology - Design
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Decorate-for-Christmas-Your-BathroomShould you decorate your bathroom? You betcha! Why? Any additional
decor within the bathroom is a creative unexpected surprise for guests!
What to avoid? Avoid overdoing your bathroom décor with matching sets of Christmas accessories; such as, Santa & reindeer shower curtain, with matching Santa bathroom rug, with matching Santa toilet seat cover, with matching Santa hand towels, with matching Santa tissue dispenser, and matching Santa “toilet tissue” (yes, they do exist!). Go for simplicity by adding touches of your preferred style without overwhelming the room. Now simplicity does not mean you cannot have fun!  
Try these 3 holiday decorating ideas:

Dogs Are Not Just For Christmas
Offbeat - Pets and Animals
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Dogs-Are-Not-Just-For-ChristmasAlarmingly, many people still decide to get a puppy for Christmas, only to realize by the New Year that they have made a mistake. Tragically, this means that many pets in January are either abandoned or taken to animal shelters.
It starts innocently enough with a child pleading his, or her, parents, “Please can we get a puppy?” While I believe that it is wonderful and very healthy for a child to have a pet, it is crucial that all parents think carefully about the responsibility they are taking on with a dog. Dogs are not like goldfish, they are demanding of your time and they require training, otherwise they become unruly and messy. Therefore, below is a list of things that all potential dog owners should consider before making the commitment to make a dog part of their family...

Tips For Caring Of Your Precious Antique Rugs And Persian Carpets
Technology - Design
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Rugs-And-Persian-CarpetsIf precious antique rugs survived weathering with time it is just because they are taken care of very well. Persian rugs serve you long when they are treated with care, especially from moths and moisture.
Should the Persian rugs be stored, regular checks is called for especially for moths. However, when a Persian carpet is in use, there is any danger of moths to it.
Moisture and dampness rot the threads and reduce the quality of the carpet and the rugs pretty soon. It needs to be addressed very quickly. Similarly, any other damage such as burn or scissor or knife damage to carpet and rugs should be immediately addressed by a carpet man. It is repaired differently based on the amount of the damage received.
General rug care tips:
Change the rug position so sunlight effects are equally received by all sides of the rug. It is called rotation. But otherwise on a bright sunny day, try not to expose the rug. You may want to screen the window using curtains or shades and it reduces sun damage to your expensive Antique rugs.
Padding gives protection to your Persian rugs especially from excess traffic. These are mostly used in offices where movement of people is high. Padding also prevents the rug from wrinkling and moving off place. Using good rug pads is worthwhile as they improve life of your expensive antique rugs...

German Shepherd Puppies - 8 Tips To Owning A Raising One
Offbeat - Pets and Animals
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German-Shepherd-PuppiesNot long after buying a German shepherd puppy, you will want to think about implementing obedience training. As a pack animal, German shepherds, just like any other dog, will begin to test the boundaries of the pack hierarchy. Keeping you dog in its rightful place in the chain of command is important for both of you.
As one of the more intelligent breeds of dog, German shepherd learn quick. Is it any wonder, the police use them as their dog of choice. They need stimulus, don't let your puppy grow up neglected.
Exercise is a must for various reasons. Firstly, it is essential for growth and developing natural reflexes. Secondly, it will help your dog mix socially, another equally important part of your German shepherd’s development. So remember, plenty of brisk walks and any secure open areas that you may live near.
German shepherds can grow to about 100 pound, they are powerful, quick and will have no problems sweeping objects off of nearby sideboards, so keep valuables out of reach while they are growing. Remember, a German shepherd is still a puppy up to the age of around three, fully grown physically but mentally a tazmanian devil.
While on the search for a puppy, find one from a genuine breeder, this will ensure good genes; you can find good breeders in you classifieds or get a referral from your vet, kennel clubs or dog training clubs...

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