
Choosing the Right Curtains and Blinds for your Home
Technology - Design
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Curtains-and-BlindsWhether you are looking to simply refresh the look of a room or are considering a complete room re-design and makeover you should pay close attention to the curtains and blinds. A window is one of the main focal points of any room so dressing it correctly is vital. Over dress your window and it can look cluttered and dated. Under dress it and it can look bare and uninteresting.
When should you consider when buying new curtains?
Colour and pattern
Colour is a vital consideration. Look around the room and really try to understand the colours that are already in use. What colour is the carpet? Are the walls painted or papered? Does the wallpaper have a pattern? Your curtains should really complement the other accessories in the room. For instance, if you have patterned wallpaper try using a plain curtain. If you add a patterned curtain to a patterned wall the look can be confusing and unsightly.
Your curtains should fit in with the style of the room. If you are going for a fresh and modern look then plain curtains with bold features such as steel trimmed eyelets look great. For a room with period features a more traditional style can be more suitable. Taller rooms can carry heavy drapes and pelmets well.

The San Diego Wild Animal Park Experience
Offbeat - Pets and Animals
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The San Diego Wild Animal Park ExperienceOne of the most popular and well known tourist attractions in Southern California is the San Diego Zoo. Most people outside of California, however, aren't aware of an even better wildlife experience which is just a short drive from the Zoo, in the northern part of San Diego County, the San Diego Wild Animal Park. Like the San Diego Zoo, the Wild Animal Park is operated by the Zoological Society of San Diego which is a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation and education of endangered species and their habitats. I've been to the Park many times while growing up in Southern California, but my last visit was special because it was with my five year old daughter who has never been there before. It was an experience that yielded many cool pictures and a great time that I won't soon forget.
The San Diego Wild Animal Park opened in 1972, and many of the attractions that were there for the opening are still around today. The Park is not set up like a traditional zoo because most of the exhibits are in an open area on acres of land. This allows the Park to keep herds of different species that interact with each other in an environment that simulates their natural habitat. Because of this, the animals display many of their natural behaviors, providing Park visitors with a better understanding of how they live.

Nature in Its Pure State: The Khor Al Udaid Beach
Lifestyle - Travel and Places
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The Khor Al Udaid BeachA perfect getaway would be splendid trips to a far away beach where you can escape the daily hassles that you are forced to face in your everyday living. Regardless of whether you are just planning to spend a fun-filled activity with your family and friends or if you are on your way to have a sweet romantic journey with your loved-one, the beach would be just the thing. A visit to the beach is also a splendid idea if you want to go soul searching.
Undeniably, taking light steps on the sand while being refreshed by pristine waters will refresh your outlook in life. Now, if you are looking for the perfect beach for your perfect getaway, then you ought to try the Khor Al Udaid Beach of Doha, Qatar.
The Khor Al Udaid beach is one of the most splendid spots that you ought to pay attention to if you are planning to go on a trip to the Middle East. It lies on a very strategic location in the southeastern region of the state of Qatar, just approximately 80 kilometers away from the center of Doha. What makes this beautiful place very famous is its wide variety of sand dunes that can pile up to a gigantic height of about 40 meters in some of its sections. Aside from this beach, other fine offers of Qatar are the Fuwairit beach and the Dukhan.

Persian Cat Breed Origin
Offbeat - Pets and Animals
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Persian-Cat-Breed-OriginThere's a beautiful legend which tells that the Persian cat was created by a wizard from a sparkle, which jumped out of the fire, the shimmer of two far away stars and a curl of grey smoke. I'd say that this legend rather closely describes appearance and temperament of the Persian cat, but the real history of persian cat breed is not less interesting or less mysterious.
So how does such mutation as long hair appear in a domestic cat? None of its wild counterparts has long hair gene. Well, if only lynx and snow leopard have a slightly longer coat due to the environmental conditions of their habitat.
It's rather difficult now to investigate the origins of the long-haired cats, but most probably they are rooted in Persia, which is now called Iran. That's from where Pietro della Valle brought several long-haired cat beauties to Italy in 1620. And a few years later the scholar and naturalist Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc brought long-haired cats form Angora (now Ankara in Turkey) to France. When the first long-haired cats appeared in England (which is now called 'the second motherland of the Persian cats) they were called 'French cats'.

The Weird and Wonderful World of the Lembeh Strait, Indonesia
Lifestyle - Travel and Places
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The-Weird-and-Wonderful-World-of-the-Lembeh-StraitNorth Sulawesi is located within the ‘Coral Triangle’, a territory which spreads from western Thailand all the way through eastern Indonesia. This is where many scientists believe life began in the ocean and it is widely thought that it holds the most bio diverse marine habitats on earth.
For this reason diving in Indonesia has been held in high regard amongst the diving community and North Sulawesi is no exception. To the east of Borneo and below the Philippines, Sulawesi is an oddly shaped island in the Celebes Sea. North Sulawesi refers to the most northerly point. Just a few hundred meters offshore the continental shelf plunges towards the deep oceanic trenches which offers nutrient rich waters. The fact that evolution here has been uninterrupted for millions of year means that the marine life in this particular part of the Coral Triangle is extremely diverse
Bunaken Island lies just a few kilometers offshore, a plateau extends from the island before reaching the drop off which descends to hundreds of meters. Coral life on the wall is extremely dense and different species both hard and soft compete for space. These particular walls have gone some way into making diving in Indonesia what it is today and draw traveling divers from all over the world. Large pelagics like Black and White Tip Sharks, Trevally and Napoleon Wrasse work their way up the reef, whilst Green Sea Turtles lodge themselves into the wall to rest. If you’ve got a skillful guide you might be able to see finger nail size Pygmy Seahorses latched onto Gorgonian Fans, not a common site even when you are diving in Indonesia.

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