
The Combination of Photos of Wild Animals From Africa and Beautiful Landscapes From Scotland
Offbeat - Pets and Animals
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Have you ever imagined how it would look like if someone took wild animals like tigers, elephants or hypos from Africa and brought them in Europe.
George Loan is an photographer from Scotland who has created a set of photos which are result of combination of photographs from different places of the world...

Colorful HDR Images of Old Trains
Technology - Design
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HDR imaging combined with some historical objects like some of those locomotives sounds like pretty good idea to me. Here you can see some really cool HDR images of trains done by different artists. Their colorful design will bring you back into your childhood days and will remind you on some scenes from good old cartoons...

Amazingly Beautiful Jewelry Made From Bottle Caps
Technology - Design
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If we told you about the jewelry made from bottle caps you would probably think that they are funny and trashy-looking piece of junk. However, the following photos should convince you that even this kind of jewelry can be very fancy and very elegant too...

Beautiful Long Exposure Photography by Kevin Cooley
Technology - Design
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I like long exposure photography. It is great to see some of long exposure photos because you know they were created for a pretty long time and they are not only one moment in time.
Here you can see some pretty weird and well done long exposure photos took by professional photographer Kevin Cooley. The lightning effects are awesome and they look like some huge laser rays. He named this collection of photos "Light's Edge"...

Liliwenn's Beautiful Street Paintings
Lifestyle - Arts and Culture
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When we talk about street art most of us immediately thinks about graffiti and similar artworks. Graffiti is interesting artistic way, there's no doubt about it, but this is not single way of performing street arts.
The best example for this are artworks of artist Liliwenn who is creating some of the most interesting street artworks...

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