Technology -
Written by Administrator

Created by a bunch of designers, including Mary Huang, Laura Boffi and Li Bian, the “Messenger Dog” is an informal messaging system to support disaster relief during catastrophes. Equipped to record video messages and deliver them to refugee camps through trained dogs, the informal system helps in reuniting people with their families and friends separated during crisis. The messages are geo-tagged and time logged to help the receiver track the origin place and time of the message...
Technology -
Written by Administrator

The Floating Heads installation by Sophie Cave can be seen at the Kelvingrove Museum in Glasgow, Scotland. Over 50 heads, each expressing a different emotion, were hung over the museum’s foyer. These expressive masks are fascinating because they capture a single moment in time, usually fleeting in real life. Faces are forever transforming as we navigate our daily existence…except here...
Technology -
Written by Administrator

New Zealand artist Lisa Black modifies broken taxidermy animals with mechanical parts such as antique hardware or old clock parts. After finding a damaged, stuffed fawn at a garage sale, she was so inspired that she decided she felt she had to “fix” it by adding mechanical limbs, organs, and other crucial pieces. Some of her work, like the crocodile seen below, even includes working gears in place of the heart...
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