
London Theatre - A Brief History
Lifestyle - Travel and Places
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London-TheatreLondon today teems with so many theatres at the well-renowned West End. Many talented artists who want to get their breaks and begin their acting careers seek the spotlights of the West End theaters for the promise of brilliant and shining show business careers. The London theatre is where all things can begin for actors so every hopeful has his eyes on the high profile roles, the applause, and that chance to perform on these famous theatres.
I was in 1597 when an actor decided to put up his own theater and launch himself as a star. Richard Burbage established the Globe Theatres when he took over the lease of The Theatre, which was the first ever playhouse in Shoreditch, that was put up in 1576. The Theatre started the rich history of the London theatre and the West End. When the lease expired, Burbage took over and launched much more ambitious efforts to push the industry and the craft. Soon enough, Burbage became a big name as a great actor and he came to be known too, as the first to play Shakespeare's Hamlet, King Lear, as well as Othello.
In 1663, the West End legacy of artistic excellence in stage performance soared with the opening of the first London West End venue at Drury Lane. This very famous venue witnessed careers of the earliest icons - the likes of Charles Hart and Nell Gwyn. The old theatre, unfortunately, suffered during a fire in 1672.

How to Clean a Wine Decanter
Lifestyle - Food and Drink
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How-to-Clean-a-Wine-DecanterDo you have a decanter that has a stain making the glass seem dull or diluted?  Well, if this is your decanter then you may need to clean it to remove the stain.  Cleaning a decanter is not as easy as taking a cloth and just wiping the inside of the bottle.  Most likely the bottle top will not allow enough room for you to put your hand inside.  In this case you will have to use another means of cleaning you decanter.  There are a number of ways to clean decanters and if you look on the net you will find accounts from people that swear by their method.  Some are simple, some are dangerous and may be poisonous and some may just take a trip to the grocery store to get a few requirements.  Below, I will outline a few simple ways to clean your decanter.
The simplest way that I have found to clean a decanter is to use ice.  Yes, I mean ice from your refrigerator or ice box.  The ice needs to be in block size but small enough to fit through the hole in your decanter.  If your ice cubes are too big to fit but break them into smaller piece but not too small or they just will not do the job.  Put the ice cubes inside the decanter and add a small amount of water.  Next take your hand and spin the decanter in a circle making the ice cubes scrape the sides of the decanter, the scraping with cut through the stain on your decanter after a while removing and cleaning the crystal glass.  Once the stain has been removed use soap and water to finish the final rinse.  This is a simple way to clean your decanter and is not toxic in any way.  Also, if the ice milts before you are able to get all the stains off of the sides of the crystal decanter then just add more ice.

Food Allergies
Lifestyle - Food and Drink
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Food-AllergiesYou eat one of your favorite foods, as usual. You feel funny after 20 minutes. Not usual. One look in the mirror reveals that your lips are swollen beyond Angelina’s pretty proportions—definitely not usual. As shocked as you might be, the truth is that “you could wake up tomorrow with an allergy to something you’ve eaten your whole life,” says Melinda M. Rathkopf, MD, FAAAAI, FACAAI, FAAP, of the Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Center of Alaska and assistant clinical professor at the University of Washington. Though, according to the FDA, adult onset food allergy occurs only in about 2 percent of the population, it is nonetheless on the rise. The reasons for this are unclear, but experts have theories. One is that negative food reactions stem from an existing pollen allergy: Rathkopf says that if you’re allergic to pollens like ragweed or birch and you consume fruits or veggies with a protein similar to one found in pollen, your body may mistake the fresh produce for the environmental allergen. An allergic reaction then ensues, causing your mouth to itch and tingle. Read more at healthy eating
Another theory is that the increase in adult food allergy is a byproduct of better hygiene. “Our current daily living includes many ways to keep us healthy from germs such as using plenty of antibiotics and being clean—as compared with farm or jungle living with exposure to many germs,” says Scott H. Secherer, MD, associate professor of pediatrics at the Jaffe Food Allergy Institute at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. “As such, our immune system keeps less busy fighting bad germs and more likely to get misdirected to attack harmless proteins in foods, animal danders, pollens, etc.”

Sydney Aboriginal Art and Culture
Lifestyle - Arts and Culture
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Sydney-Aboriginal-Art-and-CultureThe rock paintings and engravings of Sydney reflect the artistic inclinations of the Aboriginal population before the Europeans came to settle in this historical city. Rock engravings and paintings show the close relation the Aborigines had with the sea. The engravings and paintings were mostly about creatures related to the sea such as whales and sharks and other fish. Gwion Gwion is a form of rock painting seen in caves, which is believed to belong to a culture that existed long before the Aboriginal culture as it is known today.
In addition to rock painting, engraving, carving and sculpture, indigenous art also includes painting on leaves, carving on wood, sand painting and artworks on cloths. Body painting is an indigenous art which covers the body with intricate, exquisite patterns. The same art is seen in a varied form in bark painting. Paintings were done traditionally on bark walls and ceilings.
Stone arrangements of large and small stones embedded into the soil are unique to Aboriginal Australian art as well as weaving, jewellery making and crafts made from various forms of fibres.
Other forms of art such as dancing and singing were interlaced with the daily routines of Aboriginal life. The Aboriginal people sang while they performed their daily chores. Aboriginal fishing women sang all day paddling in rhythm with their music...

Contemporary painting and sculpture
Lifestyle - Arts and Culture
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Contemporary-painting-and-sculptureThroughout the twentieth century, artists in the vanguard have repeatedly challenged convention by exploring new avenues of expression and seeking alternative forms to embody new ideas. In the early years of the century, the so-called fauve artists ("wild beasts") in France, led by Henri Matisse, experimented with vivid, highly saturated colors and bold brushwork to evoke intense emotional responses. Later, artists such as the Russian Wassily Kandinsky carried these experiments further, creating abbreviated shapes that, however abstract, were meant to stand for specific concepts or forms.
Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque were responsible for one of the most radical innovations of the century. In their cubist paintings, these artists defied the long-held notion that painting provided a "window" into deep fictional space. Instead, they fractured forms and space into shifting planes and reduced their palette to a few muted tones. Yet Picasso never favored absolute abstraction as did Piet Mondrian, who eventually eliminated any reference to the natural world from the rigorous compositions of straight lines and primary colors that he intended as the expression of an ideal and universal order...

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