Technology -
Written by Administrator

After hearing about the giant mirror in a little village in Italy, I decided to look around for more innovative cool inventions. And to little surprise, what I found was just enough to summaries in a top 10 list. Here are the 10 most innovative and cool inventions and designs in my own personal opinion. Some are mindblowing by functionality, other by concept and idea. The rest is just innovatively looking and will surely amaze you. Really, a longer top-list is needed to cover all the coolest inventions and innovations but you have to save something for later right? Enjoy...
Technology -
Written by Administrator

If you wish to know how to make beautiful wax decorations read the article below. Here is what you need: wax (you can use candles and melt them), metal cookie lid, cookie cutters, newspaper, nylon thread, ribbon, wooden sticks, needle, plier, crimp beads, beads & findings...
Lifestyle -
Arts and Culture
Written by Administrator

Wooden sculptures are very popular and they include wood carving sculptures like idols, elephants, birds, rural figurines, musicians... Statue are not always in a formal way. they can be strange and unusual, the sculptor's imagination reflect in statues design.
Lifestyle -
Arts and Culture
Written by Administrator

Avatar fever is infecting everyone these days and a big country like China wasn’t going to be spared. 15 Chinese sculptors spent 10 days completing the two 3-meter-tall sculptures made of 4-tonne mud. The creation was thought to be the continuity of the fever on the Golden Globe-winning film in China. The Avatar mud sculptures were carved in a studio in Wuhan City and are meant to keep the Avatar craziness going even longer...
Lifestyle -
Arts and Culture
Written by Administrator

The Dutch design studio Tjep presented a collection of jewelry in the Gallery Ra (Gallery Ra) in Amsterdam. The collection is called Clockwork Love - this is six different projects, that involve human emotions. This collection - a logical continuation of the project in 2002 Tjep Bling Bling. It can be seen in Amsterdam until 16 January...
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