
Breakfasts: The Hidden Present at Christmas
Lifestyle - Food and Drink
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Breakfasts-ChristmasIf there is one thing associated with Christmas nearly as much as presents; it just has to be food. From a dinner with all the trimmings, through decadent desserts, and onto all the sweet treats and fancy snacks. One area that doesn't always get a look in is breakfasts though; but there is no reason why not.
Even if you are the one responsible for preparing the lunch, it doesn't mean you can't have good celebratory breakfasts either.
A traditional Christmas favorite already; it is likely you may have some fine Scottish smoked salmon in the fridge. Teaming this with just soft scrambled eggs, and perhaps a toasted bagel, is wonderful. For extra luxury, add some truffle oil to your eggs before cooking, or a grating of real truffle when serving.
Slightly more work; but still very easy is a bacon and cheese croissant. Whilst you fry up some bacon, warm two baking trays in the oven and prepare a croissant sliced n half with a spread of butter and a touch of tomato puree.
Once your bacon is done; place this on the croissant and sprinkle with some grated cheese. Place this on one of the baking trays, and place the second on top; pressing down a little. Put this back in the oven for a few minutes, or alternatively on a sandwich toaster, and serve whilst still hot...

Art from Trash
Lifestyle - Arts and Culture
Written by Administrator   

Art-from-TrashNovember 15th is “America Recycles Day,” and what could be a more inspiring way to reduce waste in your household than to encourage your children to recycle trash materials and objects into art?
Plenty of modern and contemporary artists use unusual materials and objects in their art creations. You’ll find all kinds of scrap materials and useful objects that can be reused in art projects, if you look around your house. Junk mail, kitchen containers, scraps of gift-wrap or wallpaper, old magazines, and all kinds of other objects will come in useful.
Artist’s Principles.: As an artist, your materials should be treated with respect. Save scrap materials in large boxes, making sure they are clean and dry before storing. In the same way that you would respect and value materials that you bought from an art store, you should value the scrap materials and trash objects that you are going to incorporate into your art.
When you work with any materials, including trash, keep your art creativity environment clean and tidy. Wash your tools when needed, and have a good supply of paper towels for cleaning up as you work.
Creativity can be just as much about discovering new and different ways to use and incorporate novel materials into your art as about the end result. Encourage your child to enjoy the process of making his or her artistic creations. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to make art, and while your child may enjoy following instructions in order to create something designed by someone else, encourage out-of-the-box thinking and teach your child to value his own ideas as much as any ideas he finds in a book or on a website...

Why is Traditional Mexican Food So Fascinating?
Lifestyle - Food and Drink
Written by Administrator   

Traditional-Mexican-FoodThe food of Mexico has a long and varied history. This diverse history is rich with a fusion of influences that has created a cuisine that is enjoyed all over the world. True Mexican cuisine is made of fresh foods that are prepared from scratch. The results are delicious and very good for you.
Mexican cuisine is the result of Spanish, Mayan and Aztec influences. Add in a dash of French and you have today's Mexican cuisine. Although it has a reputation for being spicy, not all Mexican dishes are hot. Some are creamy and sweet. Depending on the area of Mexico a recipe is from, the food could be based more on beans, fruit, or seafood.
When Cortez and his Conquistadors arrived in Mexico in 1521 from Spain, they found many different foods that they had never heard of before. Avocados, squash, chocolate, peanuts, beans, corn, vanilla, coconuts, and tomatoes were all new taste sensations to them. They also shared their bounty from Spain. Pork, lamb, beef, garlic, cheese, milk, wine, vinegar, and citrus fruits were all new to the native Mexicans. They lost no time in assimilating these new foods into their cuisine, blending them seamlessly with their staples into new recipes...

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